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 Evgenij Miroshnichenko (born 28th of December 1978), or "Miro", as he likes to be called, is international Grandmaster since 2002, two times Ukrainian Champion (2003 and 2008) and a winner of numerous international tournaments. Growing expert of women chess, as you can remember his reports and comments during the World Women Team Championship, 2012 European Womens Individual. Also 2012 Chess Olympiad and many others. Evgenij is going to provide us with analysis of the most interesting moments happened in the games during the WJCC as well.
You can follow his comments below;
It’s quite symbolic in my opinion – as we’re getting into tournament’s endgame a lot of endgames had been played in this round, particularly in the open section, so this report is built of those little fragments of an endgame technique. Ipatov, Alexander - Ter-Sahakyan, Samvel It had been already a lot of action in the previous stage of this game, although an endgame seems to be the most exciting. 33.Rxd7?! Perhaps it doesn't affect the result of the game, but if White decided to change rooks, at least it could've been done in a bit more precise way - 33.Rb8+ Rd8 34.Rxd8+ Kxd8 and Black king is on d8 instead of being on d7. 33...Kxd7 White shouldn't have any trouble to draw this game, although I'm in doubt about his winning chances. 34.Ke2 Kc6 35.Kd3 Nd5 36.g4 [Another idea would've been 36.h4 preparing to advance slowly. It's hard to evaluate the position even for an engine, which claims every move to be of a same value, thus declaring the position almost a dead draw, albeit in a practical game Black would have to suffer some unpleasant moments, for instance 36...f5 37.g3 Ne7 I don't see much of an active plan for Black, so let's assume he's keeping waiting strategy. 38.f3 Nd5 39.e4 fxe4+ 40.fxe4 and White already has an advantage, as his king got the route to get to black pawns (e3-f4-g5) 40...Nb4+ 41.Kc4 Nc2 42.Kc3 Ne3 43.b4 Nd1+ 44.Kd3 Nb2+ 45.Ke3 g5 46.d5+ (46.Kf3 gxh4 47.gxh4 47...Nd3!! Anything else just loses there. 48.Kg4 Nxb4 49.Kf5 Na2!! 50.Kg6 Nc3 51.e5 Kd5 52.Kxg7 Nb5 53.h5 Nxd4 and Black stops the pawns.) 46...Kd6 47.Kd4 gxh4 48.e5+ Ke7 49.gxh4 g6 50.b5 Na4 51.Kc4 Nb6+ 52.Kc5 Nd7+ and Black is holding. Still, those lines are far from being forced, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone is going to find a win for White.] 36...g5 37.Ke4 Ne7?! This move is fine, but why to play backwards? [After 37...Nb4!? I don't see how to make any progress for White. 38.f4 (38.Kf5 Nd3 39.Kxg5 Nxf2 40.h4 Kd5 is draw as well.) 38...gxf4 39.exf4 Nd5 40.f5 f6 41.h4 Kd6 42.g5 42...Ne7 43.gxf6 gxf6 44.b4 Ng8 45.b5 Nh6 and Black has built a wall - White can't progress any further.] 38.f4 gxf4 39.Kxf4 Kd5 40.h4 Ng6+ 41.Kg3 [Black is perfectly save after 41.Kg5 Ke4 42.h5 Nf8 43.h6 f6+ 44.Kh5 gxh6 45.Kxh6 Kxe3] 41...Ke4 42.b4 Ne7 43.b5 Nd5 [Black could take the pawn, although it wouldn't affect the result. Here's a sample line: 43...Kxe3 44.b6 Kxd4 45.b7 Nc6 46.Kf4 Kc5 47.h5 Kb6 48.g5 Kxb7 49.h6 gxh6 50.gxh6 Ne7 51.h7 Ng6+ 52.Kg5 Kc7 53.Kf6 Kd7 54.Kxf7 Nh8+ 55.Kg7 Ke7 56.Kxh8 Kf8] 44.h5 f6 After this move the game is more or less forced, and an overall result is quite logical. [Black could've played 44...Kxe3 as well, although after 45.g5 f5! 46.gxf6 Nxf6 47.Kh4 Kxd4 48.b6 Nd7 49.b7 Kc5 50.Kg5 Kc6 51.Kg6 Kxb7 52.Kxg7 he has to find (better to know) 52...Nc5! which is the only move to stop the pawn. 53.h6 Ne6+= as White king can't keep f8 and g5 squares at the same time.] 45.g5 fxg5 46.Kg4 Kxe3 47.Kxg5 Kxd4 48.Kg6 Nf4+ 49.Kf5 Nd5 [While the move in the game is fine, I'm still wondering, what was wrong with 49...Nxh5 50.b6 Nf6 51.Ke6 Ne4 52.Kf7 g5 53.b7 Nd6+ 54.Kg6 Nxb7 55.Kxg5] 50.Ke6 Kc5 51.b6 Nxb6 52.Kf7 Now Black could achieve a draw in different ways. 52...Nd5 53.Kxg7 Nf4 54.h6 Ne6+ 55.Kf6 Nf8 56.Kf7 Nh7 57.Kg7 Ng5 58.h7 Nxh7 59.Kxh7 1/2Yu, Yangyi - Stukopin, Andrey Black knight on b8 can't move at all, so White's advantage is obvious. 37.e5 [In fact easier would've been tempting 37.Nc6 Nd7 38.Nxe7+ Bxe7 39.Bxd7 g5 40.g3 gxf4 41.gxf4 f6 42.Kg2 Bd6 43.Kg3! and white king is reaching f5 square with decisive effect, as Black's try to build up a wall on its route fails - 43...h5 44.Be8! h4+ (44...c4 45.Bxh5 c3 46.Bd1 and the bishop is just in time to stop the pawn - that explains White's 43.Kg3, which leaves d1–h5 diagonal open.) 45.Kg4 c4 46.Kf5 c3 47.Ba4+-] 37...g5 [Black could've tried 37...c4 38.Bxc4 Nd7 , at least bringing the knight into play, although after 39.Nc8 Bh6 40.g3 Kf8 41.Kf2 Ke8 42.Bb5 Kd8 43.d6!? White shouldn't face any trouble to win.] 38.fxg5 Bg7 39.d6! Looks like the strongest. [I'm still wondering if 39.e6!? would be enough to win - after 39...fxe6 40.dxe6 c4 41.Kf1 c3 42.Ke2 c2 43.Kd2 Bd4 44.Nc8 Be3+ 45.Kxc2 Bxg5 46.Nb6 Kg7 47.Kd3 White is practically piece up, so it has to be enough in my opinion.] 39...exd6 40.exd6 Be5 41.Nc8! Kg7 42.Kf2 Kg6 43.h4 43...Kf5 [Black could put a tougher resistance with 43...Kh5 where 44.Kf3 (44.g3 wouldn't be good anymore in view of 44...Kg4 45.Be2+ Kh3!) 44...Kxh4 45.Ke4 Bb2 46.d7 Nxd7 47.Bxd7 is still winning for White.] 44.Kf3 Ke6 45.Ke4 f5+ [Equally hopeless is 45...Bxd6 46.Bc4+ Kd7 47.Nxd6 Kxd6 48.Bxf7 and Black loses h7 pawn as well as the game.] 46.Kf3 Bg7 [46...Bc3 47.g4 fxg4+ 48.Kxg4+-] 47.h5! h6 48.g6 Be5 49.Ne7! A nice moment to bring a knight into play as Black can't capture d6 pawn. 49...Kf6 Lets Black to move his pieces for a little bit longer, albeit he can't really hope to escape there. [Both 49...Bxd6 50.g7; and 49...Kxd6 50.Nxf5+ Ke6 51.Nxh6 would've lead to immediate disaster.] 50.Nd5+ Ke6 51.Ne3 Bf6 52.g3 Be5 53.d7 Nxd7 54.Bxd7+ Kxd7 55.Nxf5 Ke6 56.Nxh6 c4 57.Ke4 c3 58.Kd3 Bg7 59.Nf7 Kf5 60.g4+ Ke6 61.h6 Bd4 62.Ng5+ 1–0Wei, Yi - Kanarek, Marcel Black's position is hopeless, so he decides to go for a last chance - 49...Kh5!? 50.Rg8! [50.c6 Rxc6! was the line Black was hoping for. 51.Rg8 (I guess White would realize he can't take the rook as it's just a stalemate. 51.Rxc6 ) 51...Rf6 52.Rg5+ Kh6 53.Kg2 Kh7 54.Kf3 Kh6 55.Ke3 Re6+ 56.Kd4 Re8! 57.Rxf5 Rg8! holding for a draw.] 50...Rxc5 51.Rg5+ Kh6 52.Kh4! Only move to win! 52...Rd5 53.g4 Rc5 54.Rxf5 1–0Cori, T. Deysi - Goryachkina, AleksandraA bit of a mystery has happened in the game of an actual leader of girl's tournament. White has got a winning position, but being under a severe time pressure gave away everything: 25.Rxe4?! [25.Qc4! Bxg3 (25...Bh5 26.g4! is not a line to consider for Black.) 26.hxg4 Bxh4 27.Rxe4 Rxe4 28.Bxe4 Qe7 29.Bxd4! Rxd4 30.Qxd4 and White should be winning with the precise play.] 25...fxe4 26.Bxe4 Bxh3 27.Bxg6+? [27.Rf7+! was winning on a spot - 27...Qxf7 28.Bxg6+ Kg7 29.Bxf7 Re1+ 30.Kh2 and Black has to resign.] 27...Kh8 Now game should've ended in a draw. 28.Bxe8 Bxf1 29.Qd2?! [Easier would've been 29.Qg6 Rxe8 (29...Qxe8?? 30.Bxd4+ Be5 31.Qxh6+ Kg8 32.Qg5+ Kf7 33.Bxe5+-) 30.Qxh6+ Kg8 31.Qg6+ Kf8 32.Qf6+ with perpetual.] 29...Rxe8 [Black could've tried 29...Qg4 30.Qxh6+ Kg8 31.Bg6! Qxg3+ 32.Kxf1 Qh3+ 33.Ke1! (33.Ke2 d3+–+) 33...Bg3+ 34.Kd2! (34.Kd1 Qf1+ 35.Kc2 d3+–+) 34...Qxh4 35.Qxh4 Bxh4 36.Kd3 where White seemingly has enough resources to escape.] 30.Qxh6+ Now it should've been a perpetual... 30...Kg8 31.Qg6+ Kf8 32.Qf6+ Kg8 33.Bxd4!? White is showing a fighting spirit. Too bad it wasn't rewarded in this particular game... 33...Qg4 34.Nf5 Bf4 35.Qh8+ Kf7 36.Qf6+ Kg8 37.Qh8+ Kf7 38.Qf6+ Kg8 and here White forfeit on time. Cori correctly thought she could tried a bit more instead of giving perpetual - [38...Kg8 39.c6!? bxc6 40.Qxc6 Re1 41.Qa8+ Kf7 (41...Kh7?? 42.Qh8+ Kg6 43.Qf6+ Kh5 44.Ng7+ Qxg7 45.Qxg7+-) 42.Qb7+ Ke8 43.Qc8+ Kf7 44.Qd7+ Kg6 45.Nh4+ Kh6 46.Qxg4 Bh3+ 47.Kf2 Bxg4 48.Kxe1 Bxg3+ 49.Bf2 Bxh4 50.Bxh4 and albeit it's still a draw, Black would have to find a lot of only moves to reach this position.] 0–1 |