After his speech, The President of Turkish Chess Federation Mrs. Gulkiz Tulay made her speech as follows;
"We have concluded the World Junior Chess Championship with 195 players from 52 different countries in peace and success. I would like to remark my gratitude once more to my colleagues who worked hard with devotion to be fully arranged during the process of the compulsory changes of this elite tournament that we have hosted for the third time.
Moreover, Thanks to The Metropolitan Municipality of Kocaeli which had an important role to help us realize this championship with their whole shifts right from the beginning of the tournament.
Gulkız Tulay |
We are about to finish another World Championship with the hope that all our dear participants and guests were all pleased with all the facilities offered for them during their stay here.
After a very long marathon of 13 rounds, I do congratulate all the players who carried on well in fair-play.
I wish you all have a nice and safe trip back home hoping that all the participants will leave here with beautiful and unforgettable memories.
In the name of the chess family, I would like to again remark my gratitudes and my respects to The Minister of Youth and Sports, The General Director of Sports, to FİDE Management, to the Governing body of Kocaeli, The Metropolitan Municipality of Kocaeli, our main sponsor İŞ Bank and to those who pulled their weight to realize this championship."
Zekeriya Ozak |
The deputy mayor of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Zekeriya Ozak stated that "I warmly greet and welcome you all in the name of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. I feel the happiness to be with you in the closing ceremony of 2013 WJCC. I would like to conduct the best wishes and regards of the mayor who is nor able to be here with you as he was supposed to be abroad. I hope such events will be held again in our city organized by FIDE and Turkish Chess Federation. Indeed, it was the most convenient move that 2013 WJCC was held in Kocaeli.
I believe Kocaeli deserves to be hosting this event because we have the largest share with the highest licenced players in Turkey. Kocaeli Met. Municipality has already started a project called " The right move for our Children" with the cooperation of the Directorate of Education and The Provincial Directorate of Youth services and Sports and distributed over 36.500 of chess sets to the first year Primary school students which proves that we really care chess.
In this competition of titles, you were all the winners. I do congratulate you all for your great performances and efforts.
Zeki Aygun |
The Member of Parliament of Kocaeli District Mr. Zeki Aygun stated that "I warmly greet you with my best regards and wishes. You have been struggling hard for 15 days here to choose the top three best players who were already the best players in their own countries and I congratulate all for your performances shown here. I believe that such sportive events should be considered as love and friendship ties among the countries all over the world."
Ali Nihat Yazici |
FIDE Vice President Mr. Ali Nihat Yazici took his place on the stage at last and remarked that "I have to start saying a few words about the importance of Kocaeli for Turkish chess. At the moment TCF has more than 327 000 members and TCF takes the first place among all the kinds of sports in Turkey. The licenced number of members in Kocaeli is more than 40 000. Total number of athletes in Kocaeli is 120.000. That means one third of every athlete in Kocaeli is a chess player. This is not a random case. It is all because of the great support from Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and the excellent sport manager of Kocaeli, my dearest friend Muzaffer Çintımar.
Only in the last twelve months, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality has distributed more than 63500 chess sets and 1200...
I am very proud to say that I love this country because this country gives great importance to chess. So, I want to thank to Ministry of Sports, Our parliaments, our municipalities, our government for their great support on behalf of The World Chess Federation president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.
I cannot imagine any other federation in the world who can change the venue of such a great event in one week, considering the financial responsibilities and everything. I hope you have had very good 15 days in Turkey as usual. We have organized in 2005, 2008 and 2013 the World Junior Chess Championship in Turkey. This is the third version and fortunately, in the last four World Junior Chess Championship, Turkey is not only the organizer but also Turkey is getting medals, last year we were the champion, previous year silver medal, the year before bronze medal and in 2008 we had silver medal again.
I would like to thank and express my feelings to have here the great chess legend Mr. Garry Kasparov and should remind you that he was one of the previous champions of this event. I have to say a few words about this event. This is not only an ordinary event of FIDE. This is one of the oldest traditional event in FIDE, 52nd version of the open category and 31st version of the Girls category. This is a tournament reading the fortune, the future of the World Championship. Before, Boris Spassky, Anatoly Karpov, in 1980 our dear friend Garry Kasparov, Viswanathan Anand, Levon Aronian ans such other great names won this event. Who can say "No" if grandmaster Yangyi Yu is a future World champion or WGM Goryachkina from Russia is a future woman world champion.
I want to congratulate the winners, Grandmaster Yangyi Yu from China and WGM Aleksader Goryachkina from Russia. I want to congratulate the TCF, and our sponsor especially our prompt Türkiye İş Bankası and I want you have a good trip back to your home. Thank you very much.
Ali Nihat Yazici and Gulkiz Tulay |
Moment of silence
Tulay and The Chief Arbiter Mr. Tugan Unal |
Tulay ve Provincial Director of Youth Services and Sports Kocaeli Mr. Muzaffer Cintimar
The vice mayor of Basiskele Municipality Mr. Koksal Ayabakan and Tulay |
The deputy mayor of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Mr. Zekeriya Ozak and Gulkiz Tulay |
Zhansaya Abdulmalik having her award from Mahmut Civelek ve Mehmet Kaya
Santosh Gujrathi Vidit awarded by Askin Keles and Sait Yalazay
Garry Kasparov gave Alexander Ipatov's award
Alina Kashlinskaya awarded by The Mayor of Golcuk Municipality Mr. Mehmet Ellibes
The winner Goryachkina awarded by Ali Nihat Yazici and Zeki Aygun
Champion Yu has his award from Gulkız Tulay and Zekeriya Ozak |
Family photo |
The members of protocol and players
TCF Deputy Manager Mehmet Kaya, TCF Vice President Askin Keles, The board member of TCF Sait Yalazay, The president of TCF coordinating committee pf rep. Mr. Ugur Tuluce, The President of Education Committe Mr. Askin Tasan, The president of TCF Arbiters Comm. Mr. Olgun Kulac, Vice president of TCF Arbiters Com. Mr. Aykut İlker Mete, Kocaeli Agent of Chess Mr. Halil İbrahim Berzah participated to the closing ceremony.