The eleventh round of the championship finished at 20:20. Especially, the first board created great sensation. GM Alexander Ipatov preferred to sacrifice a material rather than playing 24.Ra8 and because he had three pawns against material, the game ended in a draw. Yangyi Yu played an extraordinary game with a slight advantage from the opening and became the sole leader after the eleventh round.
Eliseev couldn't seize the opportunity with white pieces. If it were him to play 25.g4, the ending could totally be different but he lost the game as he couldn't make any use of his pawn sacrifice.
In the Indian derby, Vidit took the advantage from the opening to the end but he let his opponent play the 44...Rd8, didn't want to exchange the Rooks and gave his opponent for a draw but Debashis didn't make any use of all these and lost the game.
On the fifth board, Nasanjargal was better from the opening but rather than playing 18.Qe2 and gain an advantage, he lost all his advantages to the Rook ending with a lack of pawn and lost the game.
Wei Yi must have been very well prepared for the opening against Marcel Kanarek. Yi forced the game and had the pawn advantage in the ending and won the game.
Cemil Can Ali Marandi was about to make a draw with a big mistake but he had a fabulous gain in the end.
Diyap Buyukaşik against Burak Firat had the material advantage but at the ending he missed the Rb4-Rb6 ideas and it was a theoretic draw.
Vahap Sanal had to leave a point against his opponent's glorious game. Batuhan Dastan won against Esat Baglan in black pieces. Mustafa Berkay made a draw against his strong opponent albeit he had a better position.
In the Girls category, Padmini didn't give any chance to Bulmaga with black pieces. In the middle of the game she gained a pawn, redounded her advantage and made the victory.
On the second board, Deysi Cori missed the chance playing 27. Bxg6 rather than Rf7 and she forfeited on time.
In the game between Arabidze and Medina, there were endless mistakes and the game ended interestingly in a draw.
Alina could make a gain if she had played 21. Qe2, but as she missed it, she made another draw. The same case with Sabina on the 19...Rxc2 move could also be a gain but she made a big mistake playing Rf7 and lost the game.
Cansu Soylemez had a very technical game against Bayar Anu with black pieces and made a gain. Gonulden Seda Alev had another victory against her Bosnian opponent Emilija Zdilar and has 4 points in total.
You can reach the photo gallery of the eleventh round below. PHOTO GALLERY |